Friday, June 6, 2014

The Joys of Being Luca's Mama

Luca Update: 
Luca is already 5.5 months old! I cannot believe how fast time has gone by. Luca has officially gotten two teeth! The week of May 25th was horrible because the two bottom teeth broke through. Our poor boy was in so much pain but by the grace of God, he continued to sleep through the night (11+ hours). Although, he didn't nap well at all, but I would rather have a good night sleep and hold him all day than no sleep at night and hold him all day. ;)
Family Hike
Teething nap
Crazy uncle Ian calming Luca down

 We Dedicated Luca at church on May 18th.  We pray the Lord would continue to give us wisdom and discernment to raise Luca in the fear of the Lord. Our greatest desire is for Luca to be granted repentance and faith in Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior one day. That he would fear God and obey him. 

Luca loves the ZOO

He is such a talkative little boy. He mumbles and grunts and has officially sat up for more that 15 seconds on his own. He LOVES to sit up. So that means, he hates to lay down. He seems to always be onto the next thing, he's so observant and his strength is growing (physically). He gets bored really easily and always wants to be outside. I find myself standing on the corner of Pelanconi and Glenoaks all the time. I even have a tan to prove it. This boy loves the sounds of the cars and wind. He will definitely be an outdoorsy boy!
He loves his daddy

 We have been visiting Nick a few times a month. Luca loves seeing his daddy and of course, Nick loves seeing Luca! We usually go out to lunch after with my dad and Ian. It's a really sweet time.

Cousin Cades T-Ball game

This boy will smile at his anutie JuJu (Julie) no matter what mood he is in. It is the sweetest thing. She has the look that gets the smile. =)


I have been giving him Fermented Cod Liver oil and he does great with it. He gives me a grossed out look as he swallows it but that's how I look when I take it, so its all good. The only bummer to giving him the Cod Liver is that when he spits up after eating it sometimes smells like fish... that's gross... sorry, its my life. I just hope most of it stays in him.

Luca loves to wrestle... already. You are probably thinking that I'm crazy for wrestling with my 5 month old but before you call child services just know its Nick wrestling him... not me. ;) haha! Just kidding. Nick simple holds him tight and twists around with him on the couch... Luca laughs so hard its the cutest thing EVER!! I love watching the two of them bond and be boys, it makes me wonder what kind of a crazy boy Luca is going to be. ;) I love this boy so much.

We should be starting solid food in the next few weeks. I think Luca will love it but we shall see.

Until next time...